Decadent London av Antony Clayton

295 kr

With period photographs and engravings, this book explores the scandalous lives and subversive works of the 1890s ‘decadents’, including Aubrey Beardsley, Ernest Dowson and Oscar Wilde.

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Artikelnr: 9781905286072 Kategorier: , , Etiketter: ,


The author recreates the artistic and social milieu of the turbulent period around the end of the 19th century. He provides concise biographical material on its central characters such as Wilde, Symons, Beardsley, Whistler, Dowson, Frank Harris and other less well-known people such as Count Stenbock and John Gray.

Clayton surveys the arts produced, the favourite dining places, the public reaction and also the decadent life of London outside this artistic arena at a time, before the cataclysm of the Great War, when Victorian values were crumbling.


Obs! Boken är på engelska. Det här en antikvarisk bok som säljes i befintligt (gott, men använt) skick.

Titel: Decadent London – Fin de Siècle City
Författare: Antony Clayton

Format: Inbunden
Antal sidor: 200 sidor
Utgiven: 2005

ISBN: 9781905286072

Ytterligare information

Vikt 0,541 kg
Dimensioner 250 × 187 × 17 mm


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